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Arlington Greater Therapy Centers partnered with Methodist Mansfield Medical Center

400 W Arbrook
Suite 151
An appointment request will be sent to our team and we will reach out to you to confirm the actual appointment time prior to reserving the time on the schedule

Fax: (844) 364-1705

Looking for the Best Physical Therapy?
Look no further - schedule today

What We Treat

Physical Therapy

Vertigo & Vestibular Rehabilitation

Balance & Fall Prevention

Concussion Recovery

Stretching and Soft Tissue Mobilization

Treatment Team

Ereny Tawfik

Staff Therapist, PT, DPT

Valerie N. Schmitz

Staff Therapist, OTR

Nikki Warnke

Staff Therapist, PT, DPT

Corey Ulrich

Regional Director – South Region, Clinic Director - Arlington, PT, OCS