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Industrial Services

Our industrial program is designed to return injured employees to the workplace in a timely manner. We thoroughly identify the physical job demands of the employee and develop a program that will break through the barriers allowing the employee to safely and confidently return to work.


  1. Assessing the neuromusculoskeletal condition and application of interventions to specific systems and tissues affected by the injury.
  2. Determination of safe work activity that will not compromise medical stability.
  3. The design of safe, progressive rehabilitation programs that aggressively recondition the injured worker.
  4. Minimization of lost work time through aggressive clinical management and promotion of productive work.

1. Work Conditioning

Work conditioning is an intensive, work-related, goal-oriented conditioning program designed specifically to restore systemic neuromusculoskeletal functions, muscle performance, motor, function, range of motion, and cardiovascular functions. The objective of the work conditioning program is to restore physical capacity and function to enable the patient/client to return to work.

Work = Effort

Program Content

  1. Development of program goals in relation to job skills and job requirements. Interventions to improve strength, endurance, movement, flexibility, motor control, and cardiovascular capacity related to the performance of work tasks.
  2. Practice, modification, and instruction in work-related activities.
  3. Education related to safe job performance and injury prevention.
  4. Promotion of patient/client responsibility and self-management.


2. Functional Capacity Evaluation

A Functional Capacity Evaluation is a comprehensive battery of performance-based tests that is used commonly to determine the ability for work, activity of daily living, or leisure activity.

The Functional Capacity Evaluation quantifies safe function abilities and is a pivotal resource for:

  1. Return to work and job-placement decisions.
  2. Disability evaluation.
  3. Determination of how non-related illness and injuries impact work performance.
  4. Determination of function in a non-occupational setting.
  5. Intervention and treatment planning.
  6. Case management and case closure.


Our reports determine an injured worker’s ability to return to work and includes a physical assessment of the injured client.

3. Ergonomics Assessment

What is an ergonomic assessment?

An ergonomic evaluation is a study of a worker at their workstation to ensure that they are in good posture and that their workstation is properly set up.

A good ergonomic assessment is performed to reduce a worker’s exposure to physical hazards such as:

  • Uncomfortable or incorrect postures
  • Repetitive tasks that can introduce pain or strain
  • Straining of the body

We perform a comprehensive ergonomics assessment and will provide a thorough report to the employee/employer at the conclusion of an evaluation, including all findings and advice.

The three parameters that go into an ergonomic assessment are posture, motion, and temperature.

What are the benefits of good ergonomics?

Bad ergonomics is avoidable. The advantages of excellent ergonomic techniques include lowering company expenses, improving quality, and establishing a safer atmosphere at the workplace.

Reduce costs

Employees who are under physical strain at work may develop ailments that can cost your company money. While the expenses associated with ergonomics, such as special chairs and workspaces, may appear to be a barrier at first, the long-term benefits are better and more productive employees, which are ideal for business.

You may save money on your organization's expenses for missed work time in the near term and workers' compensation over time by following good ergonomic practices.

Improves productivity

Employees who are in pain focus on their suffering, not their job. The more severe the pain, the less productive employees were found to be. Comfortable workstations that allow for good posture and fewer movements have been shown to make employees happier.

Workstation design that is properly set up may boost productivity by allowing employees to work in a more comfortable

Improves quality

Workers who are confined in uncomfortable postures might find them distracting and unpleasant. Inadequate workplace design may lead to aggravation and employees that don't perform at their best.

Workers that are suited for ergonomic solutions are more comfortable and productive, allowing them to give their greatest effort.

Improve employee engagement

When you put in the effort to keep your workers healthy and safe, it will increase the overall health and safety of the organization. When employees trust their employer to look after them and are happy doing their job, employee morale and turnover decrease.

Create a better safety culture

Your most important asset as a company is your staff. The accumulation of the four preceding points will result in better employee performance and the creation of a strong safety culture at your firm.

What are the effects of bad ergonomics?

The short- and long-term health impacts of poor ergonomic practices include:

Short term

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder, elbow, wrist, and arm pain
  • Headaches
  • Repetitive injury strains


  • Postural muscle aches and pains
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Heart conditions
  • Obesity
  • Stroke
  • Carpal tunnel

How can ergonomics prevent injury?

When it comes to ergonomic risks, each job type has its own list of issues or red flags. An office worker's fingers, wrists, and arms might be harmed by poor mouse positioning, keyboard posture, or chair design.

A factory employee, on the other hand, is at risk of back and neck injuries due to twisting at the waist while lifting heavy

Symptoms that poor ergonomics causes are frequently mistaken with other problems. Alternatively, they may be minor and difficult to detect at first. You're encouraging more productive work by giving employees tailored, comfortable, and appropriate work stations.

What we offer

We assist clients in achieving their greatest potential through innovation, commitment, and best practices. We specialize in on-site training in manual handling and ergonomics that is customized to your company and industry.

Our Workplace Ergonomic Assessment is designed to help all employees learn how to improve their own working settings in order to prevent injuries and ensure a safe place of business.

4. Corporate Wellness

97% of Fortune 500’s “Top Companies to Work For” have a Wellness Program in place today. The statistics show these programs are no longer a nice addition, but rather a strategic business implementation. Our customizable program consists of a comprehensive step-by-step process that is supported by professionals. We utilize an evidence-based health risk assessment survey, and biometric screening to create data-driven guidance which allows us to take a proactive approach to healthcare.

  1. Proven Return On Investment:  Decreased absenteeism, health care costs, and disability claims.
  2. Proven Value on Investment: Increased productivity, workplace morale, job satisfaction, and retention.

We offer customized solutions including:


