Deep Tissue laser therapy is a non-invasive medical treatment that helps reduce inflammation. Laser therapy is effective in treating acute pain, chronic conditions, and post-operative pain. Laser therapy can often eliminate the need for pharmaceutical treatment and even surgery
Deep tissue laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to create that is transmitted to help stimulate cells within the body that help provide relief to symptoms including pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.
There is no discomfort during treatment, simply a deep, gentle warmth as your body’s cells respond to the light.
Professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, MLB, & FIFA as well as world-class Olympians choose Laser Therapy as it delivers a fast and effective results.
Conditions we treat include but are not limited to:
Post Surgical Recovery
Muscle Soreness & Tension in the lower back, upper back, or neck
Bulging, Herniated, or Disc Protrusion
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
Bursitis (Hip and Shoulder)
Arthritic Conditions (Hip, Knee Shoulder)
Headaches including Migraines
Sports Injuries
Plantar Fasciitis
The benefits of deep tissue laser therapy include: