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Fitness & Wellness Programs

Larchmont Physical Therapy offers personal training and gym memberships. Our trainers provide personalized and tailored workouts that target your specific needs. We offer a variety of physical therapy services and gym memberships, so no matter what your goals are, our team can help you reach them!

Larchmont Physical Therapy offers private training packages and gym memberships. For more information, please call our clinic (323) 464-4458

Personal Training 

Our experienced and certified professionals will customize programs to help you achieve your fitness and health goals, coaching you through fun and effective sessions.
SCAR PT offers numerous fitness and wellness programs

Gym Memberships

A Larchmont Physical Therapy Gym Membership will give you access to our personalized fitness advice and support. 
Private Personal Training Packages start at $75 per each 30-minute session. Members can purchase punch cards for sessions. Please call the clinic for more details and to secure your private training.   
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