In growing youngsters, Sever's disease is a painful condition of the heel that affects children. When the tendon connecting to the back of the heel (the Achilles tendon) pulls on the growth plate (the apophysis) of the bone at the heel (the calcaneus), it occurs. The continued strain on the growth plate result in discomfort and inflammation there.
Children who are active are most likely to get heel spur pain. This discomfort is usually worse after physical activity or when the Achilles tendons are tense. Pain can also be exacerbated during a growth spurt, when bones grow faster than tendons. The pull of the tendon on the heel gets stronger as a result of this.
Sever's disease, while unpleasant, is not a serious condition. It won't cause long-term damage or arthritis, and most of the time it goes away when the growth plates close.
Sever's disease is most common in boys aged 10-15 years old. It can, however, occur in girls of the same age range as well. The main symptom of Sever's disease is heel pain that gets worse with activity. This discomfort is usually at the back of the heel or around the sides. There may also be: