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Hip Dysplasia

For parents, a diagnosis of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) creates a variety of feelings and reactions. Parents want to know not just what their kid has, but also what the future holds for him or her after treatment is completed.

What is DDH?

When a kid's hip joint hasn't formed correctly, there is an issue with the development of his or her hips. The hip socket in a youngster with DDH is shallow, allowing the hip bone to slip in and out.

What Causes DDH?

Every year, up to one in six newborns is affected by hip instability, and two to three of every 1,000 babies must be treated. DDH can be caused by a variety of mechanical, hormonal, hereditary, and environmental factors. As the uterus is generally smaller in firstborn females due to delayed birth or a baby's reaction to the mother's hormones during pregnancy, they are at greater risk for DDH. A breech delivery or a baby's response to the mother's hormones throughout pregnancy may contribute to DDH.

While this condition typically manifests itself early on, as a kid grows, hip discomfort may not be recognized until late in their development.

What Are the Symptoms of DDH?

The symptoms of DDH vary from child to child. Although uncommon symptoms of DDH include a leg on the side of the dislocated hip appearing shorter or turning outward, uneven folds in the skin of the thigh or buttocks, and a gap between the legs seeming larger than normal. Many DDH symptoms are similar to those caused by other hip problems.

If My Child Is Diagnosed, What Does the Future Hold?

Your youngster will be referred to a pediatric therapist for treatment if DDH is discovered. Because distinct types of DDH exist, each requiring different treatments, the treatment may also differ significantly. Treatment isn't required for stable hips that return to normalcy.

However, as your child grows, regular check-ups and close monitoring are required. If the condition is severe, your orthopedist may give treatment choices with the goal of getting and maintaining the femur head back in the hip socket so that your kid's hip can develop. Treatment may include a specialized equipment or Pavlik harness to keep the hip in position, or casting. Some infants require surgical operation to realign their hips.
