Physical therapy helps patients manage injuries or any type of movement or function disorder through comprehensive, goal-oriented treatment.
Seattle Hill Physical Therapy is committed to providing the highest quality outpatient physical therapy services in Snohomish County. We provide all of our patients with the value of safe, patient-centered, effective, and efficient treatment. As the healthcare leader in our community, our focus has been to serve our friends, family, and the community in everything that we do. From supporting community events to helping you get back to the life you deserve; Seattle Hill Physical Therapy is proud to support the Snohomish community.
We are an innovative rehabilitation and wellness services provider helping patients in our communities reach to their fullest potential while providing an unmatched employee experience.
We pledge:
Physical therapy helps patients manage injuries or any type of movement or function disorder through comprehensive, goal-oriented treatment.
Whether you're a student, an amateur enthusiast, or a professional or adaptive athlete, we understand the needs of athletic participants sidelined by an injury.
Our expert clinicians are trained in evidence-based interventions that are proven by controlled clinical trials to effectively reduce the number of falls in older adults.
The AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill allows for training in a reduced weightbearing environment...
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