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We provide quality, comprehensive treatment for patients who are injured or suffering from any type of movement or function disorder.
As a key member of today's dynamic health care team, we prescribe a goal-oriented program of evaluation, treatment, and prevention for our patient's specific needs.
Conditions we treat include but are not limited to:
The benefits of physical therapy include:
Vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance are commonly associated with a problem with the inner ear or vestibular system functioning. There are many causes of vertigo and dizziness that are treatable with the guidance of a physical therapist with specialized training in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy.
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that uses specific exercises or activities to promote recovery of balance and a sense of stability. The type of therapeutic strategies your therapist implements will depend on the cause of your dizziness and the severity of your symptoms.
Your therapist will conduct a thorough evaluation to help determine if your dizziness will respond to Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy. Depending on the findings of the physical therapy evaluation, the therapist will then proceed with treatment and/or possibly a referral to another appropriate health care provider. Most often, you will respond quickly and favorably to the initial treatment. Our Physical Therapists have extensive training and expertise in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy.
Causes of dizziness we treat
Falls and fear of falling in our senior population are recognized public health crises.
According to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths in older adults by a wide margin. Each year, more than two million seniors experience a fall severe enough to necessitate emergency medical treatment. This number along with the associated personal and societal costs of falling is expected to rise as our population ages. Despite these grim statistics, many falls are preventable with professional interventions that address the causes of falling in older adults.
Our expert clinicians are trained in evidence-based interventions that are proven by controlled clinical trials to effectively reduce the number of falls in older adults.
There are other factors that also contribute to falls. Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's Disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, vestibular disorders, and neuropathy also increase fall risk. Our therapy team is well equipped to address the problems of falling and the fear of falling in individuals living with these conditions.
What is Neuro Boot Camp?
Neuro Boot Camp is an ongoing supportive and dynamic wellness class that is designed to enhance and promote fitness, agility, balance, endurance, cognition, speech, coping skills, and social interactions. Classes maintain a high level of intensity and fun while integrating physical and mental skills.
Neuro Boot Camp hosts a warm, lively, and enthusiastic group of individuals who have but are not defined by Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Fear of Falling.
Who will benefit from Neuro Boot Camp?
Persons looking to improve their fitness, mobility, balance communication, thinking and memory, and social interaction skills. Individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, stroke, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, fear of falling, neuropathy.
What inspired Neuro Boot Camp?
Our clients at Two Trees Neuro were motivated to build their own positive community of support, comradery, and health. We responded by pooling our therapeutic resources from our interdisciplinary team to offer an environment that is both evidence-based and cutting edge.
When and where is Neuro Boot Camp?
Neuro Boot Camp meets Mondays and Fridays from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Two Trees Neuro 3418 Loma Vista Rd, Suite A, Ventura, CA.
What is Sensory Integration?
A neurological process that organizes sensations from one’s body, and one's environment making it possible to use the body effectively in the environment. The brain must select, enhance, inhibit, compare and associate the sensory information in a flexible and dynamic pattern.
What are some factors that influence the development and organization of sensory information?
What do children need to encourage typical development?
Children need sensory nourishment for brain functioning arousal, attention, attachment and social relationships, and organization of actions.
What motivates and drives children in their development?
Adaptive responses to a “just right challenge” demonstrate a child’s active successful response to environmental challenges to motivate and drive development. These successful changes show that neuroplasticity is the most dramatic potential for change in young children.
What are some signs and symptoms to watch out for in your child at home?
What are some signs and symptoms to watch out for in your child at school?
Remember, every child with poor sensory integration shows a set of different symptoms!
Our treatment team consisting of occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy will perform standardized testing and skilled observation to identify your child’s area of need and implement sensory strategies as needed to enhance your child’s learning and development through sensations in the context of meaningful, self-directed, and adaptive interactions.
Speech and language are essential for communication starting at a young age. Language involves incorporating social rules to determine word meanings, how to put words together, and determining what word combinations are best in different situations. Speech includes how speech sounds are made, the use of our vocal folds and breathing to produce sound, and the rhythm of speech.
Communication disorders can involve speech and language difficulties in isolation or in conjunction with one another. Speech-Language Pathologists (informally known as Speech Therapists) assess, diagnose, treat and help prevent disorders related to speech, language, cognitive-communication, voice, fluency, and swallowing. Our Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists specialize in evaluating and treating various speech and language disorders in children including the following:
Apraxia: difficulty sequencing the sounds in syllables and words.
Stuttering: disruption in the fluency of speech
Voice: vocal production characterized by differences in pitch, quality, or loudness
Speech Sound Disorders: difficulties with articulation (making sounds) and phonological processes (sound patterns).
Language Disorders/Receptive/Expressive Language Delays: difficulties understanding and expressing language.
Social Pragmatic Language Disorder: difficulties with social interaction, social cognition, and pragmatics.
Cognitive-Communication Disorders: impairment of cognitive processes including attention, memory, abstract reasoning, awareness, and executive functioning (e.g. self-monitoring, planning, and problem-solving)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): systems and devices that assist individuals with communication disorders
Pediatric cccupational therapy is focused at facilitating a child’s development, functional ability, and independence within the family, community, and school. A common question for most parents is, “What is important about occupational therapy? My child isn’t old enough to work.”
An occupation is a basic human need that is a necessary and important determinant of health. Health can be strongly influenced by a person’s engagement in meaningful occupations. Occupations serve as a means of organizing time, space, and materials. It is through occupation that patterns, habits, and roles evolve through the organization of occupation. Occupations change over the life span, representing occupational development.
Play is the primary occupation for children that is used as a therapeutic medium and reflection of development. In each occupational therapy session, play is used for the development of motor, social, and cognitive skills. Occupational therapy treatments may utilize sensory strategies, which expose a child to various types of sensory input through play to promote an appropriate adaptation and response to their environment. Each activity provided will help the child understand cause and effect relationships, explore new environments, learn through sensor-based experiences, and recognize rules that guide social interactions.
The occupational therapist (OT) will observe, evaluate, and treat the child often in the context of play and education. The OT will determine the child’s level of development in performance areas and performance factors. The OT analyzes the daily occupations in which the child is expected to participate (e.g. school, sports), determines factors that influence performance (e.g. strength, coordination, hand dexterity), and uses some of these occupations (e.g. finishing a writing activity, throwing a ball, joining a group activity) to facilitate the child’s performance; in short, the occupation will be the intervention and the outcome.
The goals for the OT will be to facilitate development, assist in the mastery of life tasks, and promote the ability to cope with life expectations. The dynamic process by which the child will develop will be non-linear, complex, and adaptive in relation to the child’s innate characteristics, the sensory-rich environment, and the interactive learning of occupation over time. Our occupational therapist will engage the child with creative and fun goal-directed gross and fine motor activities and play to improve functional participation in daily activities.
Common diagnoses treated by the OT include:
Delays or deviations in development that have not yet been assessed or are not fully addressed. Oral motor, feeding, or eating dysfunction. School difficulties (writing, PE, manipulating tools) Self-care difficulties/delays Sensory processing problems affecting function in the home, school, or community Assessing for motor and sensory co-morbidities commonly associated with ADHD, ADD, or speech delays Executive Skills (planning, organization, working memory…)
Pediatric physical therapy facilitates and improves motor development, strength and endurance in kids while providing learning opportunities to assist with daily caregiving. Physical therapists (PTs) at Two Trees Kids work with children, from infancy through adolescence, and families to assist each child in reaching their maximum potential in home, school, and community environments. We are experts in movement and apply clinical reasoning through the process of examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and intervention. Our full-scale pediatric gym offers a setting where children can be comfortable and enjoy themselves.
Commonly treated diagnoses include developmental delay, toe walking, torticollis, scoliosis, and other orthopedic, genetic, and neuromuscular related diagnoses.
Practice Committee of the Section on Pediatrics, APTA. Fact Sheet: The ABC’s of Pediatric Physical Therapy. Section on Pediatrics, American Physical Therapy Association. 2009. Web. 18 May. 2016.