We work with employers and employees toward preventing work-related injuries, helping to save valuable dollars, lost time, and a lot of pain for both.
Our therapists utilize some of the top testing programs available today, to evaluate potential employees’ physical capabilities of doing their jobs as well as assess ergonomics and provide functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) using the renowned programs including the WorkSTEPS ® Program.
Work hardening, Work Capacity Testing & WorkSTEPS are designed to provide employers with an objective employment testing program that reduces work-place injury incidence and injury costs reduces lost time, and creates accountability for employees and the providers who treat them.
We focus on an active injury prevention approach to helping you:
• We will educate your employees on how to maintain safe work habits.
• We will evaluate employees and their environments to ensure safety.
If you’re an employer or any employee who is concerned about work injury please ask any member of our team about our programs that can make a difference for your company’s bottom line.